Ministry of Foreign Affairs Test for Cypher Assistant BPS-15 held on 19 March 2017 conducted by Open Testing Service (OTS)

1. File rename = right click
 2. Margaret II was queen of = Denmark 
3. Eiffel tower = France
 4. France currency = Frank
 5. Northern Cyprus is disputed between = Cyprus and Turkey
 6. Founder of modern Turkey = Kamal atta turk
 7. EU member = 28
 8. SAARC member = 8
 9. Afghanistan location = South Asia
 10. Current constitution enforced on = 14 August 1973 
11. Hardest substance = Diamond 
12. Radio inventor = Marconi
 13. TV inventor = Login Baird
 14. 3rd Surah = Al e Imran
 15. Ghazwas mentioned in Holy Quran = 12
 16. Before Islam these two prayers were important = ?
 17. 1 byte = 8 bits 
18. Not member of UN = Vatican city
 19. Quaid-e-Azam's wife Rattan Bai Islamic name = Maryam
 20. Khilafat Movement was supported by Hindu leader = Gandhi
 21. VIRUS = Vital Information Resources Under Siege
 22. Libya is in continent = Africa
 23. Sick man of Europe = Turkey 24.
 Musharraf referendum = 21 April 2001
25. 2nd wife of Holy Prophet = Hazrat Sawda
 26. Redcliffe Award = 18 August 1947
27. Proposal of Cripps Mission was = negotiation between Hindus and Muslims
28. Durand Line is between = Pakistan and Afghanistan
29. 3 May = World Press Freedom day
30. Cedi is currency of = Ghana
 31. How many ayat in 1st Wahi = 5
 32. Important angel = Gibril
 33. Iran currency = Riyal
34. Quran is important for = Man
35. Important month in Quran = Ramzan
 36. Which sahabi did not take part in Ghazwa Badar but took booty from it = ?
 37. Seal of prophet was in the custody of = Hazrat Huzaifa
 38. Who collected Holy Quran = Hazrat Abu Bakr
 39. Who collected Holy Quran as a book = Hazrat Usman
40. 1st scribe of wahi = Hazrat Zaid bin Sabit
 41. Real name of imam Bukhari = Muhammad bin Ismail
 42. Books in sahah sitta = 6 43. Abu huraira collected hadees = 5374
 44. Rules to check the authenticity of hadees = 4
 45. Founder of Kaba = Hazrat Ibrahim
46. Pakistan joined UN on = 30 September 1947
 47. Forest organization in Pakistan was founded in = 1947
 48. Pakistan joined US alliance in = May 1954
49. In 1846 British sold Kashmir to = Gulab Singh
50. 1st cell of MS Excel is = A1
 51. India was divided according to = 3 June plan
52. In 1927 Quaid-e-Azam presented for Hindu Muslim unity = Delhi proposals
53. Poem read in Anjuman Himayat ul Islam was from Iqbal's book = ?
54. Pakistan's 2nd largest city = Lahore
55. Taxila is at the bank of river = Indus
56. 1st PM of Pakistan = Liaquat Ali Khan
57. 1st President of Pakistan = Iskander Mirza
58. Capital of Azerbaijan = Baku
59. Oldest tennis tournament is = Wimbledon
60. Correct email address from following
 61. How many times Gibril came to holy prophet = ?

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